Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

2 bites of a Jimmy Dean Sausage/Biscuit (after 2 bites I could fee the grease wasn't going to sit well in my tummy so I stopped. Never got around to eating anything else. The only reason I was even going to eat this was because there are 2 in a pack and I made them for my son for breakfast but he only ate one and I didn't want to waste the other, so I figured I'd have body said, no thanks!

Small bowl of chili with 4 saltine crackers

A few bites of leftover velveeta shells & cheese
1/4 southbeach chocolate protein bar
1 low fat string cheese w/ 3 saltines

Drank only H2O all day

Did 1 mile on the treadmill at a 3 incline (only ran for like 4 minutes) and lifted light weights for legs & arms


wannabe_loser said...

I'm loving these journals Amber, you're giving me so many ideas for this week :)

Susy said...

Read and check on you each day girl. Keep up the good work and keep moving Amber. Your doing amazing!