Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Toasted 1/2 a bagel with FF cream cheese (only really ate the top part that was toasted, didn't eat the center squishy part of the bagel.

1/2 c spaghetti ohs
3 ritz crackers

2 homemade meatballs
1/3 c rice
1/3 corn
a little gravy on the meatballs

Bites, Snacks, Nibbles
Maybe 6-7 gold fish crackers
3 pizza combos
1 slim jim
1 pkg 100 calorie cheese nips

Drank a little H2O today. I'm out of bottles, it's weird how I drink more out of a bottle than a glass. Tried to drink a glass of lemonade, just didn't taste too hot. It's all watered down now and I'm sipping on it.

No exercise today. I was really in a slum for some reason, Just bummed out today.

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