Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

1 Blueberry muffin with way too much butter but it tasted soooooo good

1/2 turkey/swiss wrap
A small serving of velveeta shells & cheese leftover and cold (I love cold mac & cheese)

So, I never technically ate dinner, but I stopped by the refridgerator about 10 times and kept taking a bite of the bacon cheeseburger wrap we had for dinner the night before. It was really good cold

Plain lays chips

No "exercise" although I did clean the living room, hallway, office, dining room, & I went to the nursery and got some plants them came home and potted them. Let's just say too when cleaning, the floors are all hardwood, so I have to vaccum, mop twice, then polish, so it's a lot of work!

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